Romeo and Juliet_罗密欧与朱丽叶英语读后感

2020-05-02 17:42:32 英语读后感

  当品读完一部作品后,你有什么领悟呢?此时需要认真思考读后感如何写了。那么读后感到底应该怎么写呢?以下是小编精心整理的Romeo and Juliet_罗密欧与朱丽叶英语读后感,希望能够帮助到大家。

Romeo and Juliet_罗密欧与朱丽叶英语读后感

  Romeo and Juliet are the classics of Shakespeare's death. They are called the Western version of Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai. It tells of such a classic emotional story: the story takes place in Verona's famous city. Romeo and Juliet fell in love at first sight and made a solemn pledge. But the two families were enemies. Romeo killed Juliet's cousin in the fight and was expelled from the city. Juliet was forced to marry a Earl by his father. In desperation, Juliet took the medicine of feigning death. Romeo learned the news of death, returned to him overnight, and died of poison at Juliet's side. After the effect, Juliet woke up and found Romeo dead. She was so sad that she stabbed the dagger deeply into her chest.

  From the time of creation, Romeo and Juliet belong to Shakespeare's early works, and the whole drama is vigorous, very optimistic, wild, free and majestic. Savon, at this time, took a more positive attitude towards the world and attacked the decadent social atmosphere - such as the Revenge of the Mongol and the card family: but in thinking, it was tolerant, the noble of human nature, the beauty of love, and the hope of the future, so in the play, the monk two finally shook hands and talked.

  The mutual appeal of Romeo and Juliet, two true and true is a teenage teenage girl, lovely, cheerful, a little melancholy, and full of courage, love and love of courage is how valuable. Two people looked at each other in the Dangle of the ball, and fell into a frenzied love at once. The confession under the balcony is shyness and human, and has seen countless times, so that the heart of a girl can be moved. Then there will be no better, more courageous, and greater love than the aimer chorus in the church. Not only is family hatred, but also worldly everything, life and death.

  In the book, Romeo, the hero, is described as "a great number of sapphire gleaming". Romeo was born in the feudal family, but did not inherit the feudal tradition and thought, but instead of conforming to the development of the times, divorced from the feudal family and became a firm humanist; he was sincere, brave, cultural, latent, and a loving heart; he pursued a life of self, autonomy and perfect feelings, even if he was afraid. The daughter of a "mistaken" enemy does not shrink; he has no door to account, he falls in love with Juliet, and regards his family as his own family, and expects to dissolve his old wish; he is loyal to his feelings and is willing to be exiled to his own life for his feelings and lovers; he pays much attention to his own life; he pays much attention to his attention. Friendship, when his friend was killed, and his feelings faced "risk", he was vengeance for his friends, but he made his feelings encounter a difficult situation, showing his noble character. It is in a series of story plots, such as family conflicts, emotional tribulations, and friends Tsing Yi, that the spirit and temperament of his humanist can be fully displayed. And the heroine, Juliet, was just a nobleman, who was not 14 years old, but she was brave, strong and intelligent. She broke through the great family's beamy and daring to fall in love with Romeo, which was very rare among the girls in the vulgar upper class.

  When the two are in love, they can not be reflected in love. Here more obstruction comes from the outside world: the hatred that comes from the two families hinders the two young people together, and comes from Romeo's young rebellion impulsive and exile, even from the misunderstandings caused by the bad news of the messenger, which led to the death of two people. When I look at the play, I often do some assumptions. If the letter is delivered in time, Romeo knows that Juliet is a false death. If the two people escape from Verona, will it be the end of a happy life from then on? But it is the tragedy of dying for love and the greatness of love. It is the persistence of love for young people that keeps the older generation from persisting in hatred. The two people of Luo Zhu finally sang "judge us, blame us, let them go to heaven, let us go to hell", it became the place where the whole play moved me to tears.

  This had to talk about the powerful feudal forces at that time. In such a time, free marriage and love as a new thing, can be said to be difficult, not to mention that the family of both Romeo and Juliet is the enemy of the world. When the two people finally marry under the support of father Laurence, the revenge between the two families may be able to disappear, but a sudden battle is like a flood. Like a beast, Romeo pushed to the exile. Oh, I am a man playing with fate. This is an amazing howling and whining! Romeo, a newly married man, is still a spring day and beautiful day. In a moment, he was swept away from all expectations and happiness by a flying stone and a storm. After that, the relatives of the prince Barish asked Juliet to marry him, Juliet was forced to marry, and on the eve of being forced to marry, Juliet took the fake medicine of the priest Laurence, but everything changed in the wrong way. After forty-two hours, the expectation was all turned into a bubble, and the chapter of the two life was finished forever.

  This had to talk about the powerful feudal forces at that time. In such a time, free marriage and love as a new thing, can be said to be difficult, not to mention that the family of both Romeo and Juliet is the enemy of the world. When the two people finally marry under the support of father Laurence, the revenge between the two families may be able to disappear, but a sudden battle is like a flood. Like a beast, Romeo pushed to the exile. "

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