
2020-05-02 17:42:29 英语读后感




  In the book drifting activity, I am the administrator of "Christmas Carol".

  Now, let me introduce this book to you. Its main contents are:

  Scrooge is a miser with a cold heart and a mean disposition. On Christmas Eve, he refused to do good and hated happy celebrations. So the soul of his late partner, Marley, came to see him and warned him that he would suffer as much as he did after his death. The glimmer of hope to get rid of this fate lies in the visit of three ghosts to him. As expected, the former, the present and the coming Christmas elves have witnessed Scrooge's fall in the past, the happiness of his employees and nephews today and his lonely death in the future. Scrooge got inspiration from it, finally woke up, and finally became a loving, benevolent person.

  After reading this article, I understand that we should be full of love, charity, not cold hearted, mean-natured. When the world is full of love, the world will be better.

  I hope you all read this book.


  This past December, I read Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol for the first time. Of course, I have seen the story done on stage a number of times (mostly as a child), and the various movies are a yearly Christmas tradition. (My favorite is Albert Finney's portrayal in the early 1970's British musical version "Scrooge.") But despite being very familiar with the story itself through stage and film, and despite having bought a copy of the book some years back, I had never taken the time to sit down and read the story.

  So, having bought a new edition of the book after Christmas last year, I finally sat down in December and began the original story.

  It was absolutely sublime!

  As much as I love the film and stage adaptations of the story, the book was just wonderful. So full of color and imagination and description - you could fairly feel the 19th century London cold, the piles of apples and oranges on the street carts, the hawkers calling out to passers-by bundled head-to-toe in woolen coats and boots.

  This really is the quintessential Victorian Christmas story. I suppose I'm only about 170 years late in determining that, but now that I have read the story, I can see why it was such an instantaneous hit with readers. It was so successful during his lifetime, in fact, that Dickens began a tradition of writing Christmas stories every year. The edition of A Christmas Carol that I purchased last year has two other Dickens Christmas stories in it as well, although I have not yet dived into those two.

  So I highly recommend this book. If you have seen any or most of the various Scrooge movies that have been made over the years, much of the book will be familiar, but there are a few scenes here and there that I have never seen re-enacted in a play or a movie, including a trip out to a mining colony on the coast of England, and a hovering ride over the English Channel to view Christmas on a Navy ship.

  Even after all these years of watching movies and plays based upon this story, I was still moved, emotionally, while reading this book, particularly during the scenes with the Cratchit family. And at the end, I almost felt a tear well up when Scrooge showed up on his nephew's doorstep for Christmas Lunch.

  To end, let me quote one of the more poignant passages from the book. The Ghost of Christmas Present has just reminded Scrooge of his harsh words about how if the poor are going to die "then they had better do it, and decrease the surplus population." The Ghost quoted the same phrase after Scrooge expressed concern about whether or not Tiny Tim would die. The Ghost goes on to say the following:

  "Man," said the Ghost, "if man you be in heart, not adamant, forbear that wicked cant until you have discovered What the surplus is, and Where it is. Will you decide what men shall live, what men shall die? It may be, that in the sight of Heaven, you are more worthless and less fit to live than millions like this poor man's child. Oh God! To hear the Insect on the leaf pronouncing on the too much life among his hungry brothers in the dust."

  That last line, in particular, strikes a powerful chord. How relevent, 170 years downstream, and in another country, for the self-righteous protestations of the wealthy American!


  A christmas carol is one of the best-known works of charles Dickens, who is a criticism writer in the 19th century. His works mainly reflect the reality and A christmas carol, with no exception, mirrors westerners#39; lives on christmas.

  The novel tells an old man who regards money as his own life---Ebenezer Scrooge. Even on christmas Eve, when the family gets together and people bless each other, he is still quite mean to everybody. It is not until three ghosts#39; coming to reveal his childhood, present and future that he realizes how important to be good to others and what christmas means. The ghosts of the past, present and future visit Scrooge and help him see how his behaviour has impacted on his life, and the way that he is treated by other people as a consequence. At the end of the novel, Scrooge is no longer the one he has been.

  From the novel I#39;ve learned what the inherent meaning of christmas is, which results in my thinking about how to treat others.

  christmas is to western countries what Spring Festival is to china. Although both festivals are designed to celebrating the coming year, they have their distinctive characters. I used to assume that christmas is merely about Santa claus, gifts, or big meal. Now I have realized christmas is also the time to put away one#39;s hatred and to treat others well sincerely. For instance, Bob, Scrooge#39;s clerk, toasts the longevity and health of Scrooge though Scrooge gives him so little money that he can hardly make ends meet. Bob and his families live in poverty; however, they know gratitude and amicability. Hence they lead a full-of-laughter life. In contrast, wealthy as he is, Scrooge is as dismal as the dark night. To be friendly——a spirit of christmas——is one of the differences between christmas and Spring Festival. Nowadays an increasing number of  young chinese have been taking a fancy to christmas as if it were a most fashionable symbol. But how many of them recognize what christmas means indeed? I think there is no point in celebrating christmas without knowing the christmas culture.

  As for the protagonist, Scrooge, he is a representative of those who go to extreme to earn money so that he ignores love-----love for friends, for soul mate, and for people in need. To some extend, Scrooge is lucky in that he meets three ghosts and avoids ending up in being a wandering ghost like his partner, marley.

  Scrooge finally becomes a man with great heart. whereas, there are still Scrooges in our present society. Especially in china, the richer they are, the more reluctant they are when it comes to doing charity. Although it is not obligatory for the rich to donate money, the world needs all people#39;s love, no matter who you are. Last but not the least, happiness does not lie in what you have gained but what you have dedicated.

  To sum up, A christmas carol rethinks the relationship among people, convincing readers that human beings should be kind to each other.


  w people are like him, originally very stingy, denier is later, it becomes very easy. This person is the jersey Abby. Scrooge.

  In one night, scrooge dead friend Mali the ghost told him, three elves will come to visit him tonight, take him to see his own past and future.

  Finally the first elves came, he took his scrooge went to see his past, he was very sad, because he is for money, lost love, he also missed the chance to get married.

  The second elves at 1 am also appeared, it asked scrooge, want to see what place, he said he wanted to see BaoBoKe lachey's house. Came to the house of kluge, scrooge found kluge, although the surrounding environment is very poor, but they know what to content, so still is very happy very happy. His cold heart began to melt for a long time.

  Later, at last a genie appeared, the last elves with scrooge went to see his mistakes, making his cold heart completely melted. Finally, scrooge became a respected benefactor.


  A Christmas Carol is one of the most famous works of Charles Dickens, who is a Criticism writer in the 19th century. His works mainly reflect the reality. So I like his works very much.

  Charles Dickens was born in 1812, England. He had many difficulties during his childhood. However, these experiences enriched his life, at the same time, supporting many writing materials for his writing. He wrote more than 20 novels in all, reflecting the hate to the money and the sympathy to the common people. His works, such as Great Expectations, a Tale 0f Tw0 Cities, were affected by many readers.

  This novel told a people who regard money as important as his own life---Scrooge. Even on Christmas Eve, he was also quite mean to everybody. There are five chapters in all. Chapter 1 introduced scrooge’s character and Marley, his friend’s ghost. The language was very beautiful and active. I like this part best. As followed there was a part of word to describe Scrooge: he was a hard man with money, hard as a stone. He was a secret self-contained man; friendless and alone .the coldness inside him froze his old face. His eyes were red. His thin lips were blue. Cold seemed to stiffen his way of walking. The hair on his head and above his eyes was white, white as snow. He carries this coldness with him always wherever he went. This part illustrated Scrooge was a cold man. He grasped the money tightly. As the following story, Scrooge refused his nephew invitation to have the dinner with his family. And he always scolded the Christmas is humbug. He didn’t believe the existence of Christmas and didn’t want to share his happiness and money with others. He had dinner in an inn and then went home. He had rooms in a house which had once belonged to Marley. Scolded sat quietly on the coach. But suddenly there is a big knocker on the door. It was Marley’s ghost. The ghost was bound by the heavy chain and told Scrooge its tragic fate. The ghost told Scrooge that three spirits will come to Scrooge and then faded away.

  From chapter 2 to chapter 4, it talked about the three spirits. The first spirit stood for the past. It showed the happy times in the past of Scrooge. In the past Scrooge always said “Merry Christmas” to whoever he met. He loved life and enjoyed everything in his life. In this part the spirit also showed the first work of Scrooge. His boss, Fezziwig, treated them very well on Christmas. But Scrooge gradually changed. He loved money more than his lover. So his lover parted with him. It’s the money that made Scrooge lost many things. The second stands for the present. in this part , Scrooge is a greedy man . He has no mercy to everything and waste of his time. The third spirit stands for the future. In this part, it showed that Scrooge regret what he had done. And Scrooge was impressed at last. He understood money is not the only thing that is worth to reserve. Love and care were important too.

  At the last chapter, that is chapter 5, Scrooge changed himself and gave mercy to the poor. And he had dinner with his nephew.

  All in all, this story has a perfect end. Form this story, I realized that in this world, money is not everything. We also need love and help.

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