
2020-05-02 17:42:28 英语读后感



  Metamorphosis is a classic work of Ovid, a famous writer in ancient Rome. The book is written in six tone steps. The whole poem contains 15 volumes, including about 250 fairy tales. In the form of chronicles, the book was written from creation to the death of Kaiser, and Augustus succeeded. Story characters are mythical gods, heroes and heroines and historical figures. The first part (Volume 1) tells about the creation of the universe and four periods of gold, silver, bronze and black iron. The second part (second to eleven volumes) is a mythical heroic story. The third part (twelfth to fifteen volumes) is a historical story. All the stories are vivid and ingenious, and all the stories are all around the theme of "deformation", to clarify the philosophy of "all things in the world are made in change". The author takes the gods and people in the same view and takes a disrespectful attitude towards them, aiming to express the changing truth of things by the deformation of God, to express the profound connotation of the world from chaos to politeness, Rome from building city to Empire, and the continuous progress of human beings, thus proving that the rule of Kaiser can not be permanent, Augustus. It is the need to comply with the times.

  Metamorphosis is a novel written by Kafka in the theme of variation. It was written in 1912 and published in 1915. It was one of the few works published by Kafka in his life. The hero of the novel, Gregor, woke up one morning and found himself a big beetle. He could have used his income to support the family, but now he wanted his family to support him. At first, his parents and his sister had pity on him suddenly becoming a beetle, all filled with sympathy and care. Every day his sister helped him to send him a meal and clean the room. But after a day and a day, everyone regarded him as a material and spiritual burden. Everyone had a disdain and expected him to die early so that everyone was simple. Finally, one day, he left the world alone in the cold family. The whole family was lucky. The father said, "let's thank God." In order to celebrate Gregor's death, a family of three decided to take a car out of town. This is the approximate material of the novel.

  The novel has written a lot of ink and ink in the heart of Gregor's sad and miserable inner world. Although Gregor has become a beetle, his psychology always persists in the state of human beings. He suddenly finds himself a panic and melancholy when he becomes a big beetle. He thinks about his family's economic condition and remorse himself. He is rejected by his loved ones. Hope and pain show a kindhearted, loyal and responsible little man who yearn for the understanding and understanding of man. But this desire was finally replaced by utter despair, which is permeated with the boundless loneliness, indifference and sadness.

  In addition to the protagonist, his sister is also Kafka's character. Unlike inferior novels, he portrayed his younger sister as a perfect person. In the metamorphosis, everyone is an ordinary little man at the grassroots level. They are all real, flesh and blood townspeople. Their love is based on survival and money. When their lives are full, they will love others, care for others and take care of others. But when someone else destroys their own life and dreams, love is no longer there. The rest of the rest is just blood and cold. From the change of the heroine's sister, this is a sign of great difference. The success of this image also shows Kafka's inestimable gift.

  In the seven day of deformation, when Yi Hu Chen should face this green forest, his mind is inevitably curious. In the narrow mountains and the steep mountains, it has been through a few hours' trudge to greet him. The broken, thin students, the uneven ground playground, the ragged basketball rack, the five star red flag pole made of bamboo, the four wall bald classrooms, the moment, the easy tiger and Chen's heart does not know what taste is, may be regret and helplessness, maybe it is pitiful and sympathy, the heart is sour, the tears of indescribable tears can not help but bound to the Obscene。

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