
2020-05-02 17:42:30 英语读后感



  In the early twentieth Century, when Hesse and Herman lost themselves to the self - Magic theater which he created, and in which the spirit of the soul was broken into an intricate and disorganized mind image, Sherwood Anderson devoted himself to the division of human nature under the mystery of the dream and the secret call of the night sky. Like a superb magic musician, he used a snippet as a baton and commanded an undulating spiritual Concerto in the pursuit of Eden's dream; he was like a meticulous surgeon, with his unpredictable techniques and stunning skills to form a single quality of the mind and then dripping his life instinct. In the meantime, Sherwood Anderson is a biologic writer who cuts human nature with a skilful and unique way of cutting into a piece, and then looks under an art microscope to try to give the complex DNA structure a clear presentation to the world. Even he himself was lost in the great spiral.

  It is impossible to perform in a classical, superficial atmosphere. Only in a split, abrupt time, consciousness fragments and dreams come out like a rushing ground fire. Sherwood just lives in the country of the United States to start a huge change. He focuses on the pastoral scene, just like some of the pastoral scenes. The critic said that Sherwood had an instinctive hatred for industrial civilization, but it was not the deep meaning hidden in the text. The quiet picture was full of the murder of thinking, and the secular life was never even a fragment of a dream.

  When Dr. Ruffy stiffened the truth with the paper, when the woman was stiffened with the paper regiment, when the woman was bound by the eagerness of hope, when Dr. palwill found the truth in terror, George had no one to know the fragments. To mutter, it is just as the fervour of the neurotic deformed people in the truth of the fragments is not understood by others, that everything becomes mysterious and concealed, and that nature is also a kind of helpless and sad concealment, for the struggle of human desires will misunderstand the teachers and actors of the conscience and the illusions, even if they are afraid of them. Just a moment's performance, although they have the same demand, but the secular can not tolerate those who are good hearted and pursue their dreams.

  With the help of Sherwood's words, the secret passion can not be suppressed, and fear and trembling will go hand in hand in the mind. The hand of the flying wing is in fact the tentacle of Sherwood's thought, the feeler is sensitive and weak. He tries to explore the secret literary mysteries, but is always misunderstood by the secular world, so it has to be written into a paper group, which is rigid into a hard piece of paper, and the thought is eventually turned into detritus. The false truth is eventually forgotten, and the secular people continue to pass. A secular life. But that shudder would let a lady run naked, let an old man bravely collide with the train, let Elizabeth hug rimy and death, let the quiet man get excited, and make the odd person manic, until Enoch creates all kinds of characters in the room, he is the master of those characters, but he is A woman finally emptied.

  To be honest, this is a dangerous process, both for story and reality. The process is teasing the mediocrity and silence, and the two are our eternal enemies and partners, and when we go deep into the fort, the clouds are gathered on our heads. Like the Alice who was finally screamed by the courage to run naked in the rain, no one could hear her cry in the waiting and the despair, but we all saw her dance, she was mixed with joy, sadness and madness in the rain, and then we would gather to the old man who saw it all, ask her, and ask us. Oneself, what voice is so hard to identify, what feelings are so insignificant, what tears are so hard to understand?

  All the stories are misunderstood people, because of the misunderstood people become lonely, they are insane in the secular world, and the good and communication of George can not be spared. There are plenty of reasons for people to enjoy the tremor, and the secular reason seems to have plenty of reason to make misunderstandings. So, Sherwood depicts a group of people who are always anxious, nervous, anxious to express but are reluctant to express or even do not want to express, because their hidden chestnuts are incapable of expressing them.

  Finally, Sherwood Anderson let him and his creation of George Willard go out, this is inevitable, because Sherwood Anderson is deeply aware that the world is a misunderstood world, the people with the artistic quality can not be understood by the ordinary people, and more sad that he can not understand each other, he can not understand each other, he is more sad. Our spiritual rooms will eventually be emptied away by someone. People bind each other and even bind others with good wishes, but they do not know what others want, what they need to do, and they don't even know what to think and do, and of course they don't want to think of what others think and do. All people live in vain.

  Anderson said that the world is full of truth, and truth is always beautiful. It is this good truth to destroy the small city. Quixote's characters will be moved. We will not be sorry for the decline of an empty skin bag. What really touches us is the truth that every deformed person persists. Because these truths may be our hard work. We do not feel sorry for ourselves, we stand alone.

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