affective education情感教育英语读后感

2020-05-02 17:42:30 英语读后感

  当读完一本名著后,相信你会有不少感想吧,让我们好好写份读后感,把你的.收获感想写下来吧。在写读后感之前,可以先参考范文,以下是小编收集整理的affective education情感教育英语读后感,欢迎阅读,希望大家能够喜欢。

affective education情感教育英语读后感

  After watching "emotional education", I can't help loving Frederick's simplicity and loveliness. Of all the four women in his life, Mrs. Arnoud has always been her true love. The last time they met, we could imagine the old and ugliness of Mrs. Arnoud, the only thing that would be her elegance and grace, but Frederick had no great feeling about it. Mrs. Arnoud was always the goddess in his heart, an ideal phantom, cherished and protected in his heart. For many years. But in the end, he realized this and was unwilling to touch her in reality. Someone may say, "what is best is not what we get". I do not deny it. But how many people can make an ideal care for life? Frederick is a fool who has been stepping on a sponge bed all over the world, but he is a little cute.

  Rosa Nate Be Frederick is too high, at least her money is to sell her own earned, not by deceive, not by charity, her love like the silt in the lotus, a woman who can not protect herself, but can not seek to love an all - free male opera, and for Frederic, she is forced by life. So need money, even already have Frederic's child, she still does not want to ask him to ask a penny, if Mrs. Arnoud and Rosa Nate must compare, I prefer Rosaline, Mrs. Arnoud is also a very selfish person, she seems to be holy and inviolable, she also wants love, and she also wants love, too She planned to devote herself to it, but was declined by Frederic, but she gave a lofty explanation to her adultery: ideal love! Ridiculous woman! Neither she nor Frederic has any qualifications to criticize and abuse lausanti.

  As far as the theme is concerned, there are still some similarities between Mrs. Bovary and emotional education. Two books are very coincidental to the perpetual motif of adultery. There must be an aberration in the existence of marriage. Taboos seem to exist specifically for those who break taboos. The difference is that the narrative object of emotional education is no longer Mrs. Bovary, but the wife's lover. If we simplify the novel and think that Mrs. Bovary tells the love of a woman and three men, "emotional education" is also a story of a man and three women. In this same type of narrative structure, there are two cases of adultery. It is even more interesting that the temperament of the two centers is very similar. Both Bovary and Frederic have the romantic smell of being ignorant of worldly affairs and eventually sink into society. When Frederic cried because she had no place to talk about the admiration of Mrs. unuer, we seemed to see Mrs. Bovary's shadow attached to him.

  What we pursue is hope, and what we get is memory. This is the eternal cycle. Perhaps tragedies sometimes happen only in the hearts of romantics themselves? You start from your heart, let the tragedy permeate your whole world, and in fact, what is your life and death, your youth's vanish and the outsiders? People who have no romanticism will not sympathize with and disdain to understand romantics. Moreover, in that era, that time and space had long gone. Furious passion dispelled the dreams of the past, but what shall we do? If you are a dreamer, a visionary, too? Away from that time and space, we have no chance to be sarcastic and ridicule. In this era that we do not belong to, we are faced with scorn and eternal scorn.

  There are some things that are rarely touched in the novel, such as the suspicion of a very good friend. Federico clearly had something to do but did what he did in the name of helping his friend Dello Lille. Dello Lille was discovered by Frederick because of his reliance on Frederick in his property to disguise his cowardice disdain in an extreme occasion. Wait for these unbearable truthfulness.

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