Charlottes Web夏洛的网英语读后感

2020-05-02 17:42:31 英语读后感

  读完某一作品后,对人生或者事物一定产生了许多感想吧,是时候静下心来好好写写读后感了。想必许多人都在为如何写好读后感而烦恼吧,以下是小编为大家收集的`Charlottes Web夏洛的网英语读后感,欢迎大家分享。

Charlottes Web夏洛的网英语读后感

  The 8 year old girl, a 8 year old girl, grew up with a sound name, "Wilbur," which grew up every day and was adopted by Finn's uncle. Wilbur lived very well here and established the most sincere friendship with a spider, Charlotte. Before long, a bad news completely broke the calmness, and Wilbur was about to become the bacon ham on the table. In order to make friends alive, Charlotte, in order to make his friends alive, finally turned the fate of Wilbur, but Charlotte gave his precious life.

  After reading this book, my eyes could no longer restrain my tears, and my heart was shocked by Charlotte's love big net. The weak Shilo's work in the piggery, with his own life, weaves a spider web. He weaves a miracle written for Wilbur on the spider web, but forget to have his own child. In order to make Wilbur from a dying pig to a beloved baby, he is exhausted in the piggery. How great this is all! Charlotte's tiny body makes people ignore his existence, but his love is so much true that he weaves a big net of love.

  Charlotte is an ordinary grey spider, but it has created two wonders with life. It was this tiny spider that gave Wilbur the courage and confidence to overcome difficulties when Wilbur was the loneliest and helplessness. With all his wisdom and loyalty to friendship, he tried every means to save Wilbur's life. At the end of Charlotte's life, it produced 514 baby eggs, and used the last trace of power in his life to weave a beautiful, strong and water-resistant egg bag for the babies to protect the babies. Because in their view, these babies are the continuation of their limited life. I seem to hear Charlotte saying, "what is life? We are born, we live for a while, we die. It is meaningless for a spider to catch and eat flies all his life. By helping you, you may improve my life value. Everyone knows that people should do something meaningful when they are alive. "

  Friendship is eternal, precious, and can not be measured by money. Charlotte is a weak spider, but has a strong heart. Wilbur is a weak pig, but has the right to love others. Charlotte and Wilbur are a hard and hard friend. Charlotte can help Wilbur all his life, this selfless, altruistic, is Hard to see the truth, in adversity, between their children and their friends, the choice between their children and their friends, Luoning can sacrifice their children, also unwilling to give up their friends, the fate is not strict, the day no one's way, the child kept, the friendship kept the end, the end of life, the great will also have a smile, Wilbur to the friends of friends Kindness is the first condition for making friends, and all friendships are born.

  This is a beautiful fairy tale, which moved me deeply. When I saw the patience and hard work of Charlotte weaving, I could not help worrying about her. She was afraid that she would fall off the net suddenly. When I saw her death, I was moved by her lifelong commitment to fulfill her promise, and shed tears. I admire her very much. When she saw Charlotte promised Wilbur the first library, I felt that a little spider could not complete this promise of fate, but I saw her wit when Charlotte came up with this good idea. This book has benefited me.

  The details of every animal friend in this story are very interesting, and the most touching thing is the friendship between piglet Wilbur and spider Charlotte. Let readers feel shocked and washed in reading. In his short life, Charlotte did not sit on the Internet and eat the small beetles that hit the Internet. Instead, he did his best to help his friends by helping others to improve their lives. "Everyone knows that people should do something meaningful when they are alive." This is the declaration of Charlotte's life, which is worth learning and striving for. It is worthwhile to live and value, and to reflect the value of life in the process of helping others. The length of life is definite, but the value of life is infinite.

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