
2020-05-02 17:41:29 动物类英语作文

  Elephants are the biggest animals on land as well as the second tallest animal in the world.It weighs some ninety kilograms and is about one metre tall when born.When it is 12 years old,it grows to three meters tall and does not grow any more since then.Elephants are the only animals that have a long nose.Elephants are usually grey in color,having a long trunk with large ivory tusks protruding from each side of their mouth.They can use the trunk as a hand.Elephants have been a vital tool for people to do many things like moving trees or heavy logs.With its trunk,an elephant can pick up a 270kg tree,or pick up a peanut.Elephants have the biggest ears of all the animals.Usually moving in groups and caring for each other,elephants are known to be gentle.However,the number of elephants becomes smaller and smaller because of the human's ruthless capture,which I think should arouse people's attention.



  大象是陆地上最大的动物,也是世界上第二高的动物。它出生时重量有九十千克,高约一米。当它12岁的时候,它长到三米高,在那之后便不长个了。大象是唯一一种拥有长鼻子的动物,通常是灰色的,它有着长长的象鼻,在嘴的两侧各长有一个大大的象牙,它们的鼻子就相当于它们的手。 大象是人们的得力助手,通过象鼻,它们可以帮助人类移动树木和沉重的原木。 大象可以举起一棵重达270千克的.树木,也可以拿起一颗花生。 大象拥有所有动物中最大的耳朵。 大象通常群居并且互相照顾,性子非常温和。然而,由于人们对大象无情的捕猎,大象的数量变得越来越少了,我认为这应该引起人们的重视。

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