
2020-05-02 16:56:59 欧洲



  Although I have not been to the west before, I am not too strange to the cities here, especially some famous places of interest in the world, I have seen many times through the media. The son of a farmer who really is a stranger to me is the country of Europe. It was a park without walls and no margin. Aside from the woods and the asphalt road, it is a green crop field. The plains, the rolling hills, are covered with green carpets. Large tracts of crops grow the same, and the rows of furrows in the fields look as straight as the lines of a computer, and the whole field is so neat that it seems to be shaped by heavenly work.

  Along the way, we've seen large swaths of pasture, green slopes down to the pool, and sheep scattered on the grass. From afar, the clouds in the sky rolled like sheep in the blue sky, and the sheep of the earth swam like swans on the green lake. A thousand miles away, hardly any bare land, even a piece of clay. There was no wind, no sand, and only the quiet and green earth that we could see on the Tibetan plateau.

  Under the sky, the beautiful pastoral extends to the horizon, then give you the enjoyment of nature, will make you long out of the window, especially a few CongShuLin appears on the green field, will immediately let you walk into the European art master's famous paintings.

  The field of Europe is the artist's masterpiece. At this moment we are walking through an endless scroll. The asphalt paved the road, and the white markings on the dark grey roads seemed to have never defiled the muddy water of the wheels, reflecting the dazzling white light in the bright sunlight. Already urbanized Europe, the rural population is very few, so rarely see the village. The occasional village, the red, pointed village, is reminiscent of the colorful illustrations of western children's books. Perhaps it was the season of farming that we came to, so far, that no one was working in the fields. The agricultural population here is very small, and all of it is mechanized, which is conceivable, but we don't know exactly how to farm the land. The translator told me that when the farmers here had to plow or harvest, they would go to the agricultural machinery company to rent equipment, and together with the operators, they would not have to do it themselves. Therefore, the European villages we see are also very concise.

  The weather is pleasant, the rain is abundant, the sunshine is long, and the sun is bright. Every leaf, every flower and plant, is washed by frequent rain water clean, green and green. Moreover, their crops may have automatic sprinkler systems, without the risk of drought. Modern science does not pray to "good", more won't appear artificially for farmers, land caused by disasters, of course there is no excuse to seek after drought disaster, will sin on god's problem.

  Europe's wilderness is a natural world, and it is a magnificent and magnificent art plate. Every inch of the land has been carefully arranged, measured and cropped by human beings, and every inch of land has been fully utilized. When people have made proper arrangements for nature, they immediately return to their position, so they are nowhere to be found.


  In the spring, I visited the lake of stone, which is located on the 86th kilometer of chengya highway, and hugs Europe's spring composition. Named after the millennium temple of stone elephant, legend has it that the shu state of shu in The Three Kingdoms period. Here the mountain qingshuo show, the air is fresh, is known as "the green resort, natural oxygen"! Its excellent natural ecology and the annual turmeric section, just like before the European spring, attract countless tourists for sightseeing, sixth grade composition composition, embracing the European spring. The flowers smell, the birds sing, the spring is drunk! In march, the tulips of the stone lake are in full bloom! The flowers are colorful, the yellow flowers are elegant, the white flowers are high, the pink flowers are intoxicating, the purple flowers are warm and deep... The flowers that are in bud are like wine glasses. They are lovely. Some show shy smiles and others whisper in the breeze. The bees are busy in the flowers, and the butterflies dance on the top of the grass. The birds in the forest sang songs, which made people think of the lines of "the butterfly lovers dance and the song of the warbler". The water of the lake is as smooth as a mirror and green as jade. In the clear water, there are fish and fish in the water. There are a lot of wild ducks dancing on the water. The mountains of the lake are green and green, and the green soft branches have changed into golden autumn clothes, singing with the autumn wind and dancing with the autumn rain. The sea, the world of water, will make you feel refreshed and joyful. Friends, would you like to embrace Europe's spring in this "natural oxygen bar"? Pu jiang shi elephant lake ecological park open arms, welcome your arrival!


  Leaving France and entering Germany, the trip arranged for the south tin town of southern France to stay overnight and set off the next day to reduce the fatigue of long-distance bus rides.

  It was eight o 'clock when I checked into the south tin hotel, but it was still bright. Instead of staying at a hotel, go out. The tour guide decided to take the willing group to the south sistanislas square, not far from here, and buy some fruit to eat.

  Less than 200 meters away, he saw a small arc DE triomphe, the door, can see Nancy the main road, not shops is the hotel, but now most of the shops are closed, only coffee shop, restaurant is busy.

  Came to a small square, and found that there is a sculpture, central emperor he is Poland, Lithuania, his daughter married to the French king Louis xv when the queen, so he was the father-in-law of Louis xv, the duke of stark loch.

  Look aside, there's also a triumphal arch! It's less than three kilometers away and there are two triumphal doors! In the face of it, the left hand side is the opera house, the south tin people often come here for recreation, next to the restaurant, the most lively is there, the former is the queen's palace. Behind was a hotel, formerly the mansion of the local Dukes. It's the government that's right at the arc DE triomphe. It used to be a guard tower, so it's a little bit shorter.

  There was a small side door, where the sculpture of the designer was completed in 1795. The square was re-regulated in 1995, and it only became so in 2005. The building next to the wall was previously unbuilt, and the ground floor of the square was new. Such a small town, unexpectedly has such a beautiful square!

  The sky grew black, and almost all the shops closed. What a beautiful night!

  Next stop, the German black forest of didi lake...

上一篇: 关于欧洲的英语作文 下一篇: 古欧洲老人的故事-作文素材





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